After drying the paint, which depend on the type of paint, paper and applying method, printed sheets are mechanically and thermally processed to the required size and shape. The combination of processing has almost infinite number, so it is impossible to list them all. We can only say that we are able to produce top quality material weather we talk simple ones or those creative, demanding complicated treatment.
2 x paper cutting machines Polar 115
4 x folding machines GUK and Heidelberg Stahlfolder
1 x soft cover book binding line: 16-station gatherer: Wohlenberg Sprinter 7010, Wohlenberg Master E perfect binder with Hotmelt and PUR glue, conveyer belts with a length of 90m
+ three-knife trimmer Müller Martini Solit
+ front trimmer Kolbus FA650 for books with flaps
+ compensating counter stacker Solema Marte
1 x case maker Hörauf BDM20
1 x line for hard cover book binding: 1 x in-line endsheet pasting Müller Martini VBA, 1 x backgluing using one-shot hotmelt system Müller Martini Collibri, 1 x spine roller pressing Müller Martini RPM, 1 x in-line three-knife trimmer Müller Martini Granit, 1 x book line Müller-Martini Diamant MC35
1 x sewing machine ASTER 220 SA
1 x saddle stitcher line Müller Martini Bravo plus
1 x machine for spiral binding (Wire-O) Rilecart R- 500
1 x machine for sheets lamination Autobond 76 TH
2 x stamping machine Yawa TYML 750A i Heidelberg Tiegel dim. 50×70
1 x machine for die cutting, scoring, perforating Heidelberg Cilindar SBD f.to 63×89
1 x plastic film packaging machine IMBAL STOCK IS 600 BM
… other standard processing machines