
Denona was founded in 1992 as a graphic design studio specialized for the preparation of technical manuals and magazines As a result of purchasing the printing house TARGA d.o.o. in 2002 our business expands to printing and graphic finishing. In 2009 we moved to a new premise (current location) where we continued with further investments and more rational production organization.

Denona today

Denona still continuously invests in technology as well as in human resources, currently counting 83 employees. So far we have approximately realized 45,000 job tickets with an annual production of over 3 million books. In recent years, in addition to the domestic market, we have been recognized abroad which resulted with export of more than 20% of printed materials on an annual basis.

Mission and Vision

Our daily mission is producing printed products with excellent quality at an affordable price with delivery dates among the shortest on the market. Our vision is further expansion of production capacity, ensuring high standards of quality in terms of products and services.

Certificates, as a guarantee to our clients!


Denona has a Quality Management System which was certified for the first time in 2005 based on the ISO 9001 standard. Over the years, the following certificates were implemented in our production process:  ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.

In 2015 we became the holder of the FSC®CoC certificate (Chain of Custody) in the production of printed materials in three categories; FSC® 100%, FSC® Mix and FSC® Recycled.



Denona d.o.o. / Address: Getaldićeva 1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / VAT. No.: HR97373082565